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Doing Content Gap Analysis: A Quick Guide

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Content is a vital factor in the success of your SEO. If search engines find your content valuable and relevant to intended users, you are likely to secure a position on the first page of the search engine results page.

If you want to create high-quality content and eventually obtain a competitive advantage, conducting content gap analysis must be on top of your priority. To fully understand why content gap analysis is beneficial to your website, it is important to comprehend how it works.

Content Gap Analysis: What Is It And How Does It Work?

Content gap analysis allows you to evaluate if your website has enough content to meet the current demand of your audience. Simply put, it is an effective strategy to find the gaps in your content and identify what is necessary to close the gaps. This will help you establish new strategies and improve your current content performance.

This analysis is an actionable approach that lets you align your content with the needs of your target audience. Once you successfully fill in the gaps, you can attract more online users and convert them into paying customers. Additionally, a content gap analysis will benefit your SEO and allow you to build a stronger relationship with your audience as well.

Content gap analysis includes an audit of the following types of content:

  • E-books
  • Landing pages
  • Website copy
  • Blog posts or articles
  • Downloadables
  • Social media content

Tailoring Your Content to the Buyer's Journey

When people search through the internet to look for a certain product, they will not immediately commit to a sales call. Instead, they are likely to conduct some research to compare stores, prices, and shipping options. These sets of information will help them choose the most fitting option that will satisfy their needs.

These days, potential customers exert extreme effort to gather relevant information that will assist them in making informed decisions. That said, it is imperative for a business to effectively communicate its offerings to draw the attention of these customers. And to be able to do that, you must have a better understanding of the buyer’s journey, a marketing term for the process that a customer goes through before purchasing a product.

The buyer’s journey includes four stages — awareness, consideration, decision, and success. Each stage should have valuable content that will make your customers proceed to the next stage.

By conducting a content gap analysis, you will be able to identify whether you have content for all the stages of the funnel.

  • Awareness - In the awareness stage, you must highlight the problem that your visitors face and how your brand can provide solutions. Your content has to be relevant and useful to keep them interested.
  • Consideration - When visitors move to the consideration stage, you can already call them prospects. Since you have already grabbed their attention, this is your opportunity to provide solutions that they need.
  • Decision - During the decision stage, your customers are ready to purchase after getting all the information they need. So, make sure to always have honest content and strong calls to action.
  • Success - Finally, the success stage is where you extend your gratitude to your customers for patronizing your product and services. Here, you may also encourage them to stay connected.

How to Conduct a Content Gap Analysis

Content gap analysis involves a step-by-step process of finding holes or gaps in your existing content. Here are the steps on how to conduct a content gap analysis:

Identify Your Buyer's Journey

Pay attention to what your potential customers need. Start by understanding what questions they have to create content that they will find useful. Then, write out calls to actions that are compelling enough to convert them.

Perform Market Research

To better understand your potential customers’ needs and concerns, performing market research is an essential key. You can make use of Google forms to gather necessary information for your content ideas.

Review Your Website's Content

Creating content that does not directly speak to your target audience is only a waste of resources. By reviewing your content, you will see if it serves its purpose and aligns with the buyer's journey.

Review Your Competitors’ Content

One of the most effective ways to outrank your competitors is to know what strategies they have.  Learn about the content and keywords that help them lead visitors from one stage to another.

Frequently Asked Questions

Performing a content gap analysis is a common practice for websites that aim to top the search engine results pages. If you're new to this, you might have plenty of questions such as the following:

What does a content audit look like?

A content audit examines your content's overall performance. It evaluates your channels and individual metrics to see if your content strategies are working.

How much does a content audit cost?

The cost for a content audit greatly varies depending on the size of your website. For a mid-sized and large company, an audit could cost anywhere from $3,000 to $30,000.

How do you identify content opportunities?

Start by analyzing your keywords and queries associated with your site. Then, focus on what your audience liked the most. 

Have the Best Content with Bliss Drive

Tailoring your content to the buyer’s journey is key to converting your visitors to paying customers. On top of that, it can yield a long-term positive impact on the growth of your business. So, don't only focus on creative and informative content. Make sure that your customer will be moved towards a favorable action.

Maximize the power of content marketing by working with us at Bliss Drive!

Richard Fong
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Richard Fong
Richard Fong is a highly experienced and successful internet marketer, known for founding Bliss Drive. With over 20 years of online experience, he has earned a prestigious black belt in internet marketing. Richard leads a dedicated team of professionals and prioritizes personalized service, delivering on his promises and providing efficient and affordable solutions to his clients.
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