Google Maps is one of the most popular map services on the Internet. It is a wealth of resources, information and map planning guides. It gives you elaborate directions from point A to point B along with, multiple stops and sight-seeing details on the way.
Google Maps is indeed a wonderful tool for Local SEO in Orange County, CA businesses. Setting up such a service and making continuous improvements is not an easy task. It will be interesting to see how Google Maps works.
It allows you to view a variety of maps with different mapping options for any area. You can see basic terrain maps, street maps and satellite images. You can also have a hybrid view in the map if you want. The hybrid view is basically a combination of satellite images and the street maps. A variety of latlong (Latitude, Longitude) options is also available, and has click-and-drag features that allow you to view adjacent maps.
For SEO Purposes, Google Maps gives you the edge over other businesses making your online presence more visible. You can actually optimize your listing with the services you wish found for.
The source of the map imagery of Google Maps is Tele Atlas. It is a private company, which is a leader in navigation as well as location-based services. The maps that this company creates are incredibly accurate, and they are quite extensive. If you have seen some other map servers, you may have noticed that they have the details about only the main roads or at the best a few smaller roads. But, Tele Atlas offers a sophisticated mapping service that can take you down to the street level and in many cases, even to the block level. See more about SEO company orange county CA
Google Maps is most ideal for planning trips, determining distance, figuring out which route to take, picking nearby restaurants and hotels, as well as for viewing a property and its adjacent area. All you have to do is to type your street address along with the city and the state and press enter. Google Maps will take you to a detailed map exactly pinpointing the desired address. Don’t be surprised if you suddenly find your own house in the map, as in some cases the map takes you to the level of individual building in an area.
If you want to get your business included in the Google Maps database, you can do this by creating the listing and verifying through phone or by postcard. This gets your business listed on Google Maps, but of course, you'll need to have a Gmail account at least or register via Google Places. If someone is looking for a place to eat in a local area, the name of your restaurant will pop up if the search is focused on the area served by your business.
If you need help on Orange County internet marketing to maximize your local business using Google Maps, call Bliss Drive today at (949) 229-3454.