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What Is an Audience Analysis and Why Is It Important for SEO?

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Your target audience and your actual audience are two different types of audiences. You define your target audience, but you must study who your real audience is. Audience analysis is about understanding who consumes your content and buys your products. Ideally, you want your audience to be the same as your target audience.

What Is Audience Analysis?

Audience analysis involves determining who your target audience is and what their needs are. You will study the people who consume your content, purchase from your website, and use your app. Your purpose is to find common characteristics and behaviors that you can use for effective content marketing

Your goal is to create an ideal customer persona with unique characteristics to guide your product development and marketing campaigns. The information you gathered is used to create content that is relevant and useful to them. 

Successful business strategies revolve around what the audience wants. You may perceive what customers need, but you should validate them. If you fail to match what your target market needs, you’d be out of business. Nothing is more frustrating than developing products that nobody wants. 

Anticipating Customer Needs

Using audience analysis to analyze your current customer's needs will help your business identify additional needs you can address to create loyal customers. When you take time to know your customers, you will develop products and services that constantly delight them. As a result, they will love your brand and rave about it. 

Most businesses think that competitor and keyword research are enough to understand their target market. The belief is that if you target the same customers as your competitors, you will be able to benefit from their tactics if you look at what they are doing and copy their strategies. However, this does not always occur. 

Your competitors may be targetting a different market, or their customers respond differently than you can see. Keyword research may give insight into what phrases customers are searching for, but they don’t provide enough data about the demographics of your customer. Understanding customer demographics will help you craft proper messaging and develop a strategic marketing approach to win your customers. 

While competitor research and keyword research are essential to SEO, solely depending on them without understanding your audience can cause your business to lose out on meaningful opportunities. 

Why Is Audience Analysis Important?

Audience analysis is essential for SEO because it helps you to understand what kind of content to create that will rank well in search engines. It also lets you know how to target your audience with your keywords so that they are more likely to find your content. 

Advertisements help you reach your targeted audience, but you need to understand them deeply to create the right content to resonate with them. You will have a winning formula for sustainable revenue growth with hyper-targeted content and targeted boosting. 

Audience analysis helps companies build relationships with their customers resulting in loyal brand advocates who consistently patronize your products and tell others about them. 

How To Conduct Audience Analysis

You can analyze the audience through various methods, such as surveys, focus groups, and demographic research. You can’t generalize your audience, and understanding the specifics in demographics, interests, education, occupation, and consumer behavior makes a difference. 

Every product could have a different audience if you sell multiple products, and you should understand who they are. Audience analysis demographics refer to the genetic makeup of your audience like age, gender, race, etc. Interests can include anything like hobbies, political beliefs, and core values. 

Consumer behavior includes how they interact with your website and frequent social media platforms. Once you have a good understanding of your audience, you can then start creating content tailored to their needs.

Here’s an audience analysis example:

There is a website run by a shoemaker that sells everything from luxury shoes to everyday comfortable shoes. He has a target audience but wants to ascertain that the brand targets the right people. He also wants to understand who is currently purchasing his products. 

To perform a target audience analysis, the shoemaker releases a customer survey among his current buyers using an online survey tool (like Typeform or Survey Monkey). He gathers data about their demographics, interests, education, and occupation, paired with known consumer buying behavior. 

From the data, he learns that middle-aged women made most luxury shoe purchases while younger women favored comfy everyday shoes. He matches this with occupation and interests and learns that once his customers start earning, they want to own better shoes. 

After this analysis, the shoemaker is better informed to create content targeting the right audience for each of his products. This increases his conversions, customer loyalty, and eventually, revenues.

Audience analysis doesn’t have to be complicated, and it’s a straightforward and significantly helpful approach to scaling a brand or business. For more articles about improving conversion rates, check out our blogs at Blissdrive.

Richard Fong
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Richard Fong
Richard Fong is a highly experienced and successful internet marketer, known for founding Bliss Drive. With over 20 years of online experience, he has earned a prestigious black belt in internet marketing. Richard leads a dedicated team of professionals and prioritizes personalized service, delivering on his promises and providing efficient and affordable solutions to his clients.
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