
Industrial SEO: An Interview with Bliss Drive CEO Richard Fong

Bliss Drive CEO and Founder Richard Fong talks about Industrial SEO during this exciting interview by  Scott MacKenzie of Industrialtalk.com. He discussed about the two pillars of Search Engine Optimization and the 7 SEO process that Industrial companies must be aware of.

Richard Fong: It’s 2019, if your website, your business is not on the first page, you don’t exists to your industrial prospect.

Scott MacKenzie: Wow, that is Richard Fong, AKA Rich. He is CEO with Bliss Drive. B-L-I-S-S Drive. And he is dropping some real true facts on this episode of Industrial Talk Podcast.

Did you know that 89% of B2B purchases start with an Internet search? So SEO is really important to your success and if you’re not digging into SEO and if you are not deploying that as a strategy you’re losing money. So here is Rich Fong on the Industrial Talk Podcast.

Speaker 1: Welcome to the Industrial Talk podcast with Scott MacKenzie. Scott is a passionate industry professional, dedicated to transferring cutting-edge industry focused innovations and trends while highlighting the men and women who keep the world moving. So put on your hard hat, grab your work boots and let’s go.

Scott M: Alright welcome to The Industrial Talk Podcast my name is Scott MacKenzie, so glad that you are here, thank you very much for joining. We’ve got an incredible interview. You can tell by the “ease” that we’re talking about SEO and of you are not in the SEO game, you’re losing money. Bottom line, gotta be about SEO. So let’s get this show on the road and thank you again for joining the industrial talk podcast.

Yeah, I’m telling you man, I am very passionate about this particular interview too, passionate about them all because it is all, you. 100% of this platform is dedicated to you, the Industrial professional, you juggernaut out there. Keep going, keep changing the world. You’re innovating, you’re making a difference but before we get into the interview let’s get going.

Speaker 1: Tell gate talk number 1.

Scott M: Okay you know I am a homer for reliability web, they have great event, they have events galore, bottom line. You go out to Reliabilityweb.com, look at what they have, look at the events and the one I’m gonna be highlighting, the one I’m gonna be highlighting put it on your calendar is May 6th to the 10th and that is the Reliability Conference and that is in Bellevue, Washington. That is really Seattle but anyway, I went to the one in Las Vegas, it was fantastic, a must attend event if you are an asset management professional. If you’re in maintenance, if you’re considering doing the asset management thingy, you gotta go to Reliabilityweb.com because they will not let you down. They have the Content you need to be great.

Speaker 1: Number 2.

Scott M: Okay. Tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick. Okay this is the ICMC or the International Crisis Management Conference. We got to be about learning and growing and doing everything we can to change the world and that is a conference for you too. This is April 30th to May 2nd and this is in Newport, Rhode Island and it is in the Gurney Resort. And this is the 4th  annual one, so they’re successful you gotta do it because of you’re in that business too, go to that conference because it is going to be jam packed full of great content.

Speaker 1: Number 3.

Scott M: Calling all in safety professional out there. You need to go to Safeopedia.com. Safeopedia.com where that information, that content at that location at that website is free. Free! Oh my gosh. And they constantly change and they constantly grow and they’re resource base is phenomenal and bursting at the same time of safety related material. But! We’re starting a new podcast Safeopedia and Industrialtalk.com. We’re starting a new podcast called “Safety with purpose” and we’re gonna be highlighting you, the professional, because you guys are doing great work out there. And then finally!

Speaker 1: Number 4.

Scott M: Okay, we’re all about education. Oh yeah! In education, go out to Industrialtalk.com. Go to the industrial Academy, you’ll find information, programs, courses that specific to you, the professional, about Sales, Marketing, Branding and how you can be a better professional and build that market.

Okay. On to the interview, enough with that.

Richard Fong. Know that name, love that name. He is with Bliss drive. B-L-I-S-S Drive. And you know, one of the things that I’ve learn to grow and love is the power of SEO and doing SEO search engine optimization correctly. There’s a lot of people out there, don’t get me wrong, that say “Hey, I am an SEO specialist”. No! Adam, Fong and those fine people out at Bliss Drive, they want you on the first THREE results of a search engine result. That is money in your pocket! There is some incredible stats that support that. But anyway, this is Richard Fong and he is the CEO of Bliss drive.

All right, Richard. Welcome to the industrial talk podcast. So glad that you are here. Thank you very much for joining. What do you have on your mind, my friend?

Rich F: Hey. Thanks and happy to be here. Today I want to talk about digital marketing and SEO for the industrial industry.

Scott M: Boom! Let’s sort of break in to getting a little of a 4-1-1 on who you are and where you come from and why you’re such a spectacular SEO Professional because your stack card out on LinkedIn is pretty spectacular. So give us a little background on who you are and where you come from.

Rich F: Yeah, thank you. So, I’ve been doing SEO for over 10 years now. Before that I was actually a finance analyst for a bank right after I graduated from college and went to UCI, University of California Irvine.

Scott M: The Anteaters.

Rich F: Yeah! Anteaters. That’s right. That’s right. I graduated with Economics Degree. Had nothing to do with SEO. They didn’t teach it back then. Nor they still really teach it now.

Scott M: They didn’t do it today.

Rich F: No, no. [laugh]

Scott M: Trust me.

Rich F: No, yeah. I’m a pretty numbers guy. Number driven guy, data, etcetera. So yeah. I work for a bank for a couple of years. I was traveling all over the country. That was during the mortgage boom and then they are trying to figure out how much is costing everything and then I got tired of just going around the country. You know, it is great when you’re first out of college but it kinda sucks when you’re going to Milwaukee in the middle of winter for the second time in the row and you’re playing with snow. There’s a reason why I moved out from Kansas, right? I grew up in Kansas.

Scott M: Yeah

Rich F: Over there. So now I’m in Irvine California, I’ve been doing SEO for a good amount of time with my team and I’m loving it.

Scott M: Good. Now for the listeners out there, SEO is Search Engine Optimization.

Once again guys, you know I’m talking to listeners. I’m very passionate about industrial marketing and industrial branding, industrial sales and I’ve got to tell you right now that this is the interview that you need to listen to because SEO, even though it sounds all data and wonky, wonky and all that good stuff. It’s very important because and we’re going to talk about that. It’s very important because if somebody… I think I don’t know.

Rich. He’s Richard but he goes by Rich. Thank goodness.

It’s like 89, 87% of everybody that you come in contact with will go out on Google to see where you are.

Rich F: Yeah.

Scott M: So have you heard that stat before?

Rich F: They’re there to look you up, right? If you’re not online, you’re not a business and nowadays it is more common than a business card, right? They have to look you up and see where your reputations are.

Scott M: But the reality is that they’re still within the industrial market. They just look at that website because somebody set out on the internet “you need a website” so they go put a website out there and it’s static and what I see and what I believe is that, you know, really embracing the SEO is really dynamic solution for getting people to go to that storefront, that website.

Rich F: Yeah. The thing is a lot of people or nowadays, even though for industrial they may say “oh we rely on word-of-mouth” right?  but there is a lot of materials, there is a lot of people looking for your products online looking for new vendor. So if you’re not on the first page, they are not going to look on the second page. It is almost that you don’t exist online. It’s almost like your brand is not there. They can’t trust you. If Google can’t trust you how can they trust you, right? So you got to consider that, that is an element of business.

Scott M: You’re speaking truth. Because I’ve lived through that and as the host of the Industrial Talk podcast, I think in turns and it’s taken some time to sort of understand the spiders in that “Google spiders” and that they go out there and look around. But they’re looking for something. They’re trying to… Can you give us some sort of background on what Google is looking for from an SEO point of view.

Rich F: Yeah, sure. Google’s mission is to organize the world’s information and share it. Make it accessible for everybody, right. So obviously they have all these technologies that’s developed to organize and what they first started with is the search engine to organize the data of websites out there. So when the Google searching bots are coming through to individual websites first thing they try to understand is what’s this website is about. And if they can’t understand it they’re not gonna rank you, they’re not index you for the relevant keywords that you’re at, right. Once they understand what your website is about, then they have to understand “okay how authoritative is your website so I know how hard to rank you”. Because you know on page, in terms of what you have on your website, you can copy a competitor, you can copy the number one guy out there and your competitor just caught you off of you, right. Because you can see everything. Everything is controllable. That’s what we call the on page. So everything that is going..

Scott M: Okay. Wait. hold it, on page? O-N P-A-G-E?

Rich F: Yeah, O-N P-A-G-E. That’s the on page. I’ll back up a little bit. Essentially if you want to breakdown SEO to a very simple fact, there’s two simple pillars SEO: On-page and the off-page. Okay. On page is everything that’s on your website that the search engine bots can go in and see, right. It’s your title, your meta descriptions, your internal links, content, how much keyword density there are, site maps, everything that the bot will come in and they have their algorithm of calculating what’s on your website to say, “okay we’re gonna rank you for these types of keywords”, make sense?

Scott M: Yup.

Rich F: On pages is 100% controllable. Everything on your website, you can manipulate it however you want, right. But your competitor can just look at your on page and just copy it and well you can copy your competitor. That makes sense?

Scott M: Yes. But doesn’t Google know that, hey that’s like okay, I’ll use mine as an example, Industrialtalk.com, that’s not that Industrialtalk.com - that looks like it but not industrialtalk.com

Rich F: Google doesn’t know the difference, really. Because you can see other press release sometimes they all have the same content and then the more authoritative press release work at higher rankings the more authoritative domain or website will get the higher ranking. So that’s where I was gonna go to, my second point is if you have the same content, same material on the website, how Google know who to rank one above the other? Everything is the same, everything is copyable, right. The way Google determines that the ranking of the website is through the authority.

Authority is established by off-page. Off-page meaning the amount of links that is coming back. Your backlinks in SEO terms. Backlinks are kind of like votes from other websites linking back to you. So obviously you have to break it down to like the authority of the other links, obviously a link form a White House is going to be a lot powerful than say a mommy blog, right, a mommy food blog? A link from industrial manufacturer coming back to you is going to be a lot more relevant than another site that talks about puppies and stuff like that, right?

Scott M: Right.

Rich F: You want to have all these signals coming back to your website and this is the algorithm that Google uses to rank websites. This is what everybody is talking about when they’re talking about SEO factors and different variables because at the end of the day I’ve studied the Google patterns, the main factors have not changed, it has always been on-page and the authority of your website which the off-page dependent. All these algorithm changes, all these updates that you hear about, they’re just fine tuning the dial, right. So one year was social signals are coming in so they’re reading that so everybody started like over emphasizing a social signal so they turn that down a little bit right. They say oh this keyword, if you put this density of keyword on your page you get better results and people start overdoing it. So Google tune their dials and say okay if I see over density of that keyword were gonna penalize your vote because we know you’re gaining us. So, all these are just update algorithm updates that you don’t want to… you want to know what calibrations to have at the perfect pitch so that Google sees in goes in and see that oh everything looks very natural, you guys look like a very big brand, we obviously want to rank you because you are very authoritative in that subject, in that industrial website or any other type of website.

Scott M: So listeners out there, there are two pillars: one, on-page, you can control that. It requires some effort but you can control it. That is internal links, external links, contents…

Rich F: Only internal links. External links… actually yeah, external links linking to other people was good as well.  

Scott M: Okay good. I’ve been doing that too. It is like, oh gosh. But that’s on-page, you can do it that’s important then of course, off page is that level of authority or the backlinks and we could talk about that a little more because I want to probe on that just a bit. But those are the two pillars , so you think through it. So in the case of, this is always fascinating, within the industrial world, Rich, there is a lot of commonality. So you have, let’s have a mechanical seal here and it is well manufactured and it is up to the highest standard. It is engineered. and then you got another company that does that mechanical seals and it is up to the highest standard and so on, I mean there is tons of companies who manufacture mechanical seals. I am always fascinated by that how do you stand out in the world of sameness?

Rich F: Exactly. So online is completely different from offline marketing. So Offline, you have your catalogs and your brochures and you sent it to your customers and you have this message you that they see, right. This may be something that you know who the customers are and the customers kind of know who you are, how big you are how long you’ve been around.

Scott M: right.

Rich F: Online is completely different. They are searching on Google because they don’t know the best vendor they’re looking for it then. They may have some ideas of the existing vendors but they are looking for something new, they’re looking for a solution to solve their problems, right. So they’re gonna go online, they’re gonna look first they see is the advertising, right. And a lot of people know that is advertising. Advertising - Google Adwords - gets 2 to 5% click through rate If you’re very targeted maybe 10%, but that means 90 to 95% just skip the ad altogether and going straight to the organic because they trust what Google has to say. They trust that okay Google is showing me the top players are and when they get in there is so funny because I’ve got clients were like couple million dollars in revenue sites but we’re beating out like multi-million dollar company just because we’re very focused in on those key words. And they look like one of the big boys. And that’s what you want to do. You want your website to be number top three online because when you’re top three online, you are already differentiated from the rest of the competition.

Scott M: Yeah right, that’s huge.

Rich F: Google said you are top 3. And those guys get about 50 to 80 % of the click-through rates.

Scott M: Wooow

Rich F: So there is a thousand search volumes every month that means five to eight hundred traffic visitors are clicking on the top 3. You’re not even going down to the rest right. If you are of the bottom of the first page, you’re probably getting about 10% of that traffic. So you definitely want to be on the very top. When you’re on the very top and users come through to your website then it is the sales landing page. That is your brochure in a way.

Scott M: Yeah!

Rich F: And so many things that you could do with that landing page that sells page. You could differentiate yourself with a video, you could differentiate yourself with white papers, you can get their email and start nurturing them slowly, you can put your remarketing pixel on and follow them as a brand. It is a long lasting impression to them because a lot of times they say it takes about 7 to 12 times of impression before they get buy from you. So that’s another way of saying okay you come through my website let me remarket it to you, let me show my advertising to my brand on your Facebook, on your CNN, everywhere that you go. So you… its consistently exposed to my brand and it is a very affordable way of doing it. If you’re not buying code traffic, you’re buying already one traffic to you and you have a consistent message that goes out. It is a whole different ball game on online. Now you can really differentiate yourself online with the customers.

Scott M: Yeah. It is a fascinating world. I can get overwhelmed my ear could start bleeding, my nose could start bleeding just because I hear what you are saying. Let’s talk… we’re gonna take a break right now sorry because I was ready to start another though process but we are going to take a break. We are talking to Richard Fong aka Rich, he is CEO of Bliss Drive but we’re talking SEO and if you’re not interested in SEO you need to be interested in SEO because that is a powerful solution or tool to put you up upfront and get notice so thank you very much for joining the industrial talk podcast. We will be right back.

Speaker 1: “You are listening to the Industrial Talk podcast network.”

Scott M: There is only one place I go when I’m interested in reliability asset management and maintenance and that is Reliablityweb.com. Their platform, their focus, their commitment to reliability is second to none. They want to build a culture of reliability in your organization and they provide the content to support that. Go out to Reliabilityweb.com, reach out to them, you will not be disappointed if you’re an asset management maintenance, a reliability professional, this is the only place for you to go.  That’s Reliabilityweb.com, they’re building a culture of reliability.

Scott M: All right, welcome back to the industrial talk podcast. We’re talking with Richard Fong, Rich Fong, he’s CEO of Bliss Drive. And we nailed two pillars. One is on-page and of- page for an SEO and my mind is just absolutely racing and social war might be racing as an industrial company figuring out how to truly leverage your website to hit it up as much as you possibly can on that Google results because I think you said, 50 to 80% of the click-throughs?

Rich F: Yes. That’s right. Top 3.

Scott M: Yeah. That is pretty spectacular. Now, I’m not an SEO pro nor is a lot of other people and if you are you need to reach out to Rich here. But if you are not we need some steps, Rich. Let’s talk about a little bit of the seven SEO process because we’re all about a process.

Rich F: Yeah. So the first process that we take a look at is how fool proof your market. So obviously there’s a lot of data out there. You want to know what keywords have what search volume so you could get ahead and you rank it right. You don’t want to go rank for certain keywords that have no search volume or no buying intent. The way you find buying intent is how many, how much people are bidding on the keyword. How much is it. Once we’ve find out the market size of what you are looking for on the keywords and we do competitor research to see what the competitors look like, what they are ranking for and how much volume they have. then we can essentially copy their strategy and we add a couple our own layer on top of it so that’s just…

Scott M: I just want to make sure, just one second. When we start talking about keywords. We’re looking at words that are popping up within Google, we’ll just continue to use Google, we’ll use that, and they’re being sort of looked out there. It’s almost automatically Google’s gonna say “oh I see where you are going, I’m gonna automatically fill ins” Is that what we are talking about?

Rich F: It’s essentially mapping up the landscape of digital online, right. To see “okay, if I’m this type of industrial company, what types of terms our company my customers, my prospects are looking for and how much volume are there so I know that if I don’t have a page for that, I need to develop a page or if I have a page for that I need to optimize that page so Google can recognize it quicker and go ahead and rank it for it. So I want to map out. Okay where are all the opportunities out there on the digital landscape. So either I build something for it or I utilize or optimize what I have existing on my website for that those keywords and terms.

Scott M: That is a keyword, and I’ve read about this, a keyword strategy activity.

Rich F: Yeah, so essentially  competitor research/keyword research. Because we can look at your competitors and see they’ve done all the homework. We have tools that can do this very efficiently and see what type of traffic they’re buying and what type of organics that they’re actually ranking for. Then we can say okay that fits us perfectly let’s go grab those keywords and use it for ourselves as well.

Scott M: Okay. Keywords. Okay, I’m gonna sort of distill it down into getting the right keywords.

Rich F: Yeah, the right keyword for us. So the Number 2 strategy is actually prioritizing which keywords to go after because at the end of the day you may have like hundred of keywords, hundred of things that you, the terms that you may want to go after. So what we figure out is what has the highest volume, search volume every month and what has the lowest keyword difficulty. That way we can get you the result sooner because SEO takes a while. It’s not gonna happen overnight but what we want to do is figure out what can get us the result of more traffic the soonest. So we will go after lower keyword difficulty, meaning it would take me as long were hard to rank, what the number of authority were backlinks and it has a certain amount of volume. So that when it does rank, I’m gonna get traffic decent buying intent traffic.

Scott M: So I have a website, and I’ve gone through this effort to find sort of a hundred keywords that are very applicable to my business, right? If I’m not, if I’m in an industrial business and I do seals, I’m not going to look for a menu items that, you know an Italian restaurant or something. It doesn’t make sense. There is a disconnection. So you want keywords specific to your business and in that strategy, be able to sort of rank those and then in you website be able to be mindful. You’ve got to be mindful that there is strategy here that we want to deploy and hit these keywords. Is that right?

Rich F: That’s right. Because it matters, I mean initially once you know all the keywords that you want to target, obviously we would start developing content and we’ll go into that later but when we do the link building, the authority building per website page, you can’t do it for a hundred pages all at the same time makes no sense because it will dilute the results, right. So we want to focus on a couple of focus URLs as we call it. To say, okay we really want to boost these keywords up and we want to build backlinks that targets these keywords so we can rank for them faster.

Scott M: Interesting. Okay

Rich F: Yeah, so that’s where the strategy. We decide on that once we won't get going on the keywords. We mapped it out we say we target this first, once we can get you on the top 3 then we can moved on to the next set of priorities. So we go after a strategically relevant…

Scott M: Yeah. And really the strategy is okay. Our effort is to try to get on the top 3. And so we’re gonna focus and I think you have a quote from Bruce Lee.

Rich F: Yeah.

Scott M: So I love it. It’s like “the successful warrior is the average man with laser like focus”. You’ve got a laser like focus…

Rich F: That’s right

Scott M: You’ve got laser like focus on getting at that website up in the top 3 because that’s where the meaningful stuff.

Rich F: Yeah, that’s where the money is. You can beat up a billion dollar companies as a million dollar company just because you have the right focus on the specific keyword that you want to go after.

Scott M: I like it. Yeah, it’s gonna be tough for you because you’re an SEO company and if I type in SEO, that’s a tough, that’s bloody water market, men.

Rich F: Yes. It is red ocean right there.

Scott M: Red ocean.. yeah [laugh]. I wanna be blue ocean.

Rich F: Yeah, that’s right. That’s why we want to go after specific industries plus SEO rather than just SEO out of the broad, right. Because there’s a lot of little fish if you’re going after SEO in general but…

Scott M: I love it. I love the strategy. Okay Number 3

Rich F: Number 3 is the benchmarking. So now you know your keyword layout, where you want to focus in first.  You want to know where, how are you standing existing like right now. Where you’re currently ranking, you may not be ranking for those terms at all at this point, where you maybe on page 8, a lot times you’re on page 6, 7, 8 which means you’re pretty non-existent. But Google already said “hey you’re relevant for this topic, so it is worth going after” and you have that content so we can look at that content with that page and say “okay let’s really add more content to it and optimize that page” so we can get higher rankings

Scott M: Yeah.

Rich F: That’s the Benchmarking point.

Scott M: That’s number 4. I’m looking on your website which is a beautiful website, quite frankly, I enjoy the navigation and the ability to be able to tootle around. By the way I used Foxfire on the other one and it didn’t work.

Rich F: Yeah. [laugh] We got to technical problem.

Scott M: it’s okay. It is not a problem. And then number 4, Site Optimization.

Rich F: Correct. So site optimization we have an 80-point checklist. We want Google to…

Scott M: is that an 8-0?

Rich F: Yes. So there is a lot more than just Yoast test yoast and the keyword density in internal links obviously you want the bots to come in your host site to figure out the site architecture, you have data structure, you have a bunch of things that we have to go through to make sure when the bots come through that, hey this looks really clean and really legit and we really like surfing through this website and they’re gonna want to crawl and index you for a lot more keywords.

Scott M: Yeah, so listeners out there. What we’ve got that keyword, we’re discovery, the keyword and we develop a strategy around and then of course we got to track it. We’ve got to see how we’re doing and then of course, we talked about the bots, we talked about those spiders going out there and that’s Google and it’s gonna toodle around your website. And if it is not structured right, it gives those bots certainly uncomfortable feeling. And it's not gonna work. It’s that right?

Rich F: That’s right. They are not gonna index you for as much as you can be, right. So Step 1 to 3 is all kind of strategy and planning, step 4 is where we start the heavy lifting. We start going in and looking at your existing content, start fixing your titles, your meta, your internal links, your sitemaps, look how it’s being connected to search console. Essentially we’re gonna make it and that Google search engine bots when they come through everything looks smooth to them. Everything is best practice so that they can say, “okay these guys are on top of it. We like what they’re doing and we can rank them”. That’s where step number 4 comes in.

Scott M: And then number 5 we are talking about the content development. That’s huge.

Rich F: Yeah. Content is huge, right. Everybody… (inaudible). It is key but if you only do content it is no enough. Let me tell you why. So once you mapped out all the keywords that you want you’re obviously going to find like pages, you’re going to find keywords that you don’t even have a page for, right. So you always want to have a specific page. The way I look at content is like a fish line out in the ocean, right. You have to have the right type of bait, the content itself out, so that you can catch the right type of fish, right. What we do is we want to have so many types of threads out; it works kind of like an industrial net so they can catch all the fishes you want. And a lot of times, companies they just have their basic service page and a product page and that’s it. They don’t focus on the specific keywords and having the right type of pages for those keyword to talk about, right?

Scott M: Right.

Rich F: And the way you research what type of content you will want to have is, just type in what the keywords is and see who’s making the top 3 and what type of content they are talking about. Obviously, if it is educational, a piece where a blog piece that’s what you want to think about. Each keyword has its own buying intent and what the user where the reader wants to read about. So you don’t necessarily want to have a service page where people are looking for information. Well, you may want to use a blog page, you may want to use something that provides something more value or even a video at times. So that where you want to plan out your editorial calendar to see what type of content or what time of keywords you want to go after.

Scott M: Okay.

Rich F: That is why there is a lot more planning

Scott M: Okay. It is not, it’s, I mean, correct me if I’m wrong, Rich. You can start small

Rich F: Yeah

Scott M: but recognize that there is a strategy. You just don’t prop up a website and say, “I’ve done..”

Rich F: Yeah.

Scott M: That there is more to it and this is the first part of the 21st century and we could do so much more an I think that, that is really important for you, industrial professionals and companies out there to recognize of you are leaving money on the table.

Rich F: Yeah.

Scott M: Okay so number 6, we’re talking about authority building.

Rich F: Yeah, Authority Building. So this is where I want to talk about where people say content is key, right. Just because you have content on your website but your website domain is where the website itself is not respected by Google, your content is never gonna get high ranking. Because Google like I said earlier, Google can read all the content out there and people can just copy each other so how they decide, like who they’re gonna rank higher above the other. As through the authority of your website. That’s where we come in with the backlink building. We ensure that your website ranks in the eyes of Google has good authority. And we do that in 3 tiers. Okay. The first tier is you want to look like a real business. What is a real or real business have, they have an address. So what we want you to do is verify you on Google map, Bing maps and Apple maps. Okay. Once you get those 3, then you have to build the citations with your name and address and phone number. And in that way Google can crawl the web and say, “Okay you’re real”, with your address, with your brand, and your address and your phone number is all consistent throughout the internet. So you have to be a real business versus a fly-by-night business. That is Tier 1.

Tier 2, any real big brand, they’re active. They have social signals, they have press releases, they have different sources of web content where web assets coming back to them at all times. So what we want to do is we want to create, make sure you have an active Social Media account and you could do that with the RSS Feed from your blog and syndicate that out to your social media and you have a vibrant web 2.0 accounts, things like your YouTube accounts, where you’re like the WordPress. There is a lot of sites out there that you can register and push content out with the backlink to your website and now show Google that vibrant, your publishing out there.

And then there is 3rd layer. So the first two layer, they’re very controllable. If you think about it. You can really hire some intern to kind of do all these activities for you, right. Do directory submissions, they’ll build something on social media pages. Obviously they need to know the right proportions of what they need to do but it is not that difficult to do. You could train anybody to do that. The 3rd Tier is a little bit more difficult. It’s just more time consuming but it is the outreach. You want to go and get any manufacturers, other bloggers, other people coming back to your website and talking about you. The way you do that is you say, “hey, can I go ahead and write an article on your website and then in exchange you go ahead and link back to me” or you go to an existing page and you find a broken link and say, “hey, I saw that you have a broken link would you like to link to my website” and you know kind of sponsor a website. Essentially means that you’ll pay them to get a link from their website. It’s all very white hat. Google, they really see that I’m my own website, myself, that I run and I have gotten links from other pages that they try to do the sponsorship. And you know, I’ve gotten links for IBM and Staples, and fortune 500 companies. They all do this as a best practice. So those are the authorities in link building.

Scott M: So final step. We are at number 7.

Rich F: Review and Reporting. That’s a very major process for SEO because a lot of the work that SEO agencies do is you don’t see. It’s all everything is on the background, right. So, what you need to know is A. are you building authority to your website on a consistent basis. 2. Are those authorities resulting in proper rank, ranking for your website and then number 3. Is that getting traffic right. Obviously you want sales. So obviously you want to look at what type of lead generation, lead activities are coming in and out and how they are translating for you guys. But that’s reviews and reporting is super important. If they are getting rankings but you’re not getting additional traffic, you’ve probably hit the wrong key words that have no volume.

Scott M: Yeah. Alright we are going to take a break right now. We’re going to wrap it up on the other side of this break. You need to get a hold of this gent. Rich is… he knows his stuff and oh my gosh my mind. My head is swimming knowledge now. This is Richard Fong. He is CEO of Bliss Drive. We just done talking about the 7 steps of SEO. Don’t be afraid of SEO guys out there. Don’t. It’s a wonderful thing and it can be done and it’s important. So thank you for joining the Industrial Talk podcast. We will be right back.

Speaker 1: “You are listening to the Industrial Talk podcast network.”

Scott M: Alright, you, Industrial companies out there, did you know that 75% of all users do not click pass the first page of search engine results. 75%, I’m one of them. 60% of all the users click on the top 3 websites in their results. I’m also one of them. So bluntly stating, if you are not focused on SEO and optimizing your website with technology that makes you a success, you’re missing out on opportunity. I use Bliss Drive. They are a wonderful team that is passionate about you, your success and they stay current in this world of SEO. So if you want to get noticed, it’s SEO. If you want to gain more leads, it’s SEO. If you want to generate more revenue, it’s SEO. And if you want to stand out in this world of sameness, industrial sameness, it’s SEO. Bliss Drive is the company for you. Go to Blissdrive.com, find out more, they’re wonderful you will not be disappointed.

Scott M: Welcome back to the Industrial Talk podcast. Of course, we are talking to Rich because I can tell them, Rich, Rich Fong, CEO of Bliss Drive and we’re talking about SEO, Search Engine Optimization. Oh, god. This is so technical. I’m telling you right now, it’s very important to the success of your business and if you don’t do this, somebody will and will capture that market. As sure as I’m bald and my head is shiny, it will happen. Right? Am I right on that?

Rich F: Yeah.

Scott M: That’s speaking truth here. So anyway, Rich and everybody out there, you need to get a hold of this gentleman. He knows what he is a talking about and I’m sure he can remove a lot of pain. How do people in industrial talk world could get a hold of you?

Rich F: Yeah, absolutely. You can visit my website, that’s Bliss Drive. B-L-I-S-S, like happy and Drive like driving car. Blissdrive.com or email me, rich, R-I-C-H@blissdrive.com and I’ll be happy to answer any questions and set up a, what I can do is set up a call, do a screen share and showing you what your website look like as a Google, How you’re stacking up against your competition and what the market place looks like for you. So you could see an ROI from your SEO before you could start.

Scott M: Fantastic Stuff. I’ telling you right now what I’m going to do. Everybody out there, I’m linking. I’m going to provide all the links, I’m going to do everything because that’s what you need to do in SEO world but it’s very important to be that company that is thinking ahead. Be that professional that recognizes the necessity. That SEO is very important. Very important to your business, very important to your success and it’s so important and finding, I mean finding the right SEO expert is very key. Is that right Rich?

Rich F: Yeah, absolutely. So I get so many clients that have been burned in SEO. Essentially, they show them a lot of on-page and they do some content marketing, no backlinks, no authority building, nothing like that. Where we bring it back to the mechanic shop. When we do screen share, you’ll see all the tools we use and we could track it as we start working so you know that we are doing real work for our clients

Scott M: Absolutely stunning. Thank you very much, Rich. I do really appreciate your time and you were dropping some truth bombs in here. I really liked it and I’m definitely gonna have another conversation with you after the podcast. So, Thank you very much, you, industrial listeners out there. We’re gonna wrap it up on the other end. Thank you very much for joining. And Rich, thank you for being a part of industrial talk podcast.

Rich F: Thank you, Scott.

Scott M: Hey, once again. This is Scott MacKenzie with Industrial Talk, if you like what you are listening to, please feel free to sign up for the free podcast as well as the blogs. I’ll try to keep it all relevant to your business and hopefully be able to provide some insight into what we do in industrial talk and what you do as a professional. Hope to see you soon. Thank you.

Alright everybody out there. That was Richard Fong and I give you permission to call him Rich. He is a fantastic guy, he is passionate about your success, SEO success, Search Engine Optimization success. I highly recommend that you contact him at Bliss Drive, that is B-L-I-S-S Drive. Wonderful man, wants to make you a success. And so you have an open door to do that with Mr. Rich Fong. And once again thank you very much for joining the industrial talk podcast. You know you can get hold of me at Industrialtalk.com. I’m out there, get a hold of me, I would love to be able to talk to you. You want to be on this platform and you want to tell your story. Boom! Let’s make it happen. So anyway education opportunities, Industrial Academy. If you want to know all the stuff I’m doing in Industrial dojo, just go there, listen, it’s all free. No big deal. So once again thank you very much once again for joining the industrial talk podcast. I’m honored. I’m always honored to be a part of this incredible group of industrial professionals. Be safe out there. Thank you once again. And you will be hearing from me again soon! Have a wonderful day

Richard Fong is a highly experienced and successful internet marketer, known for founding Bliss Drive. With over 20 years of online experience, he has earned a prestigious black belt in internet marketing. Richard leads a dedicated team of professionals and prioritizes personalized service, delivering on his promises and providing efficient and affordable solutions to his clients.
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